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March 7, 2024

Healthy Boiler Virtual Workshop: Adjusting to Retirement


The transition to retirement can bring about many changes to your lifestyle, health, and well-being. 

This workshop will explore how this transition can affect you from a physical, mental, social, and financial viewpoint. Presenters will discuss the body’s automatic response to life adjustments and offer tips and tools you can begin to incorporate for a smooth transition.

The workshop will also provide some helpful tips and insights for those who are either close to retirement age or have recently retired.

Please register by 12:45 p.m. on Thursday, March 7.

The Pillars of Wellness and Retirement

Healthy Aging, Retirement and Well-being

How do you envision your retirement? No matter what your plans or age may be, it can be beneficial to examine what retirement looks like to you and how to transition from working full-time to being retired. Four virtual workshops about healthy aging and retirement will be held September.


  • Benefits-eligible employees and covered spouses on the Purdue medical plan may log in to the Healthy Boiler portal, then scroll to Healthy Boiler Workshops. Hover over the workshop's square and click the "Submit" to register.
  • If you have not joined the Healthy Boiler Program and you are a benefits-eligible employee, you may email Bloom at [email protected] to register for this workshop..

    Learn more about the benefits you receive when you join the Healthy Boiler Program and sign up at the Healthy Boiler portal to become a member.

Lindsay Bloom, employee health coach


[email protected]