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Gifts for the Adopt-a-Don assistance program ready to be distributed

Health and Wellness

December 4, 2023

Healthy Boiler Workshop: The Art of Kindness


For many, December is the month of gift-giving. You may spend a lot of time trying to find the perfect gift for your loved ones. There's one gift that you can give to family, friends, and strangers year-round—the gift of kindness.

Kindness has been shown to increase self-esteem, empathy, and compassion, and improve mood.  Learn strategies to be more intentional about practicing kindness in your life and turning it into a habit.

Please register by 11:45 a.m. on December 4. Meeting link will be sent before the event.

Make KIndness a Habit

Be Kind to Yourself and Others

Smiling to a stranger. Holding the door open. Giving a compliment. Helping others in need. Donating food and clothes. 

An act of kindness can go a long way. No matter how small you think it is, it can be something big for the receiver. Take time today and every day to spread kindness to others including family members, friends, co-workers, and even yourself. 

Kindness is also good for your well-being because it stimulates serotonin (the feel-good chemical), decreases cortisol (the stress hormone), and much more.  

Let kindness become a habit and spread within our campus community and beyond.


  • Benefits-eligible employees and their covered spouses who are part of the Healthy Boiler program should log in to the Healthy Boiler portal, then scroll to Healthy Boiler Workshops. Registration link can be found under the “Healthy Boiler Workshops” section on the portal’s home page. Hover over the workshop’s square and hit “Submit” to register.
    • If you haven't signed up for the Healthy Boiler Program, learn more about the benefits you receive when you join and sign up to become a member.
  • All other employees may email Bloom at [email protected] to register.

Register by December 1.

Lindsay Bloom, employee health coach


[email protected]