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Mastodon Mania

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fEBRUARY 3 – 8

A frenzy of Mastodon sports. Fun games and events to give students a boost of excitement. Cool giveaways galore. It’s time for Mastodon Mania - a week-long celebration of school spirit! There’s something for everyone, and don’t miss out on the double header on Saturday, February 8 at Memorial Coliseum!

Athletics Schedule

Don’t miss any of the action!


Cheer on the Dons and score giveaways all week long. Keep an eye on the Purdue Fort Wayne Athletics Facebook for giveaway details.

February 6, 7 p.m. | Gates Sports Center
Dons vs. Oakland
National Girls and Women in Sports Day

February 8, 4 p.m. | Memorial Coliseum
Dons vs. Wright State

Women‘s basketball game.
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PFW men’s basketball game vs TAMC.

February 5, 7 p.m. | Memorial Coliseum
Dons vs. Wright State

February 8, 7 p.m. | Memorial Coliseum
Dons vs. Green Bay

Student Events and Activities

One Mastodon-sized week of fun!


Feeling Lucky?

SAB Game Show
February 3, 6–9 p.m.
Walb Union, Classic Ballroom
Giveaway: Long Sleeve Shirt

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fans cheering
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2023 homecoming cowboy hats

Howdy, Dons.

Rec Day Rodeo
February 4, 11 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Gates Fieldhouse
Giveaway: PFW cowboy hats and scrunchies

Get pumped up.

Little Big Night Tailgate & Lip Sync Battle
February 5, 3–6 p.m.
Gates Fieldhouse
Giveaway: Limited edition hoodies

lip sync
stuff a plush
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Love & Basketball

Stuff - A - Plush
February 6, 6 -8 p.m. 
At Women's Basketball Game in Gates Hallway
Giveaway: 300 stuff-a-plush for students only


Double the fun.

Two Dons games for you to enjoy!
February 8 

WBB - 4 p.m. | MBB - 7 p.m.
Memorial Coliseum

Giveaway Info:

Before WBB game - boom sticks

Intermission - Coliseum food cash (150 $12 vouchers for students)

After MBB - 1/4 zip sweatshirt (100 for staff/faculty, remainder for students)

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Members of The Herd cheer at a basketball game

Department door decorating competition

Show us your school spirit.

Register below for the Mastodon Mania Door Decorating Competition. There will be two categories - departments and individuals. ONE door per registration! If you are registering as a department, please include ONE door that will be decorated within your unit. If you are also registering as an individual, please complete an additional registration for a different door. 

Registration will be open until Friday, January 31.
Judging will take place on Friday, February 7. 

We hope that all doors are completed by Tuesday, February 4th so that we can capture their beauty for socials during the week!

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