Community Event
February 13, 2024
CPR and AED Certification Class
Walb Student Union, Room G08
The American Heart Association Basic Life Support and First Aid classes teaches basic life-support techniques—including CPR using various methods to assist victims of all ages—and how to operate an AED, or automated external defibrillator.
A CPR Completion Card will be distributed following completion of the class.
Learn more about this class and register at the Division of Continuing Studies web site.
Ideally, everyone should learn CPR to help others in emergency situations. However, if you work or are planning on studying in the nursing, dental, medical, food service, hospitality fields, you may be required to be certified in CPR and AED. If you are already certified, please be aware that you must renew your certification every year.
Cost: CPR and AED: $60 (3 hours)